A.1. Library Names and Headers
Our programs mostly did not show the actual #include
directives needed to compile the program. As a convenience to readers, Table A.1 lists the library names our programs used and the header in which they may be found.
Table A.1. Standard Library Names and Headers
Name | Header |
abort | <cstdlib> |
accumulate | <numeric> |
allocator | <memory> |
array | <array> |
auto_ptr | <memory> |
back_inserter | <iterator> |
bad_alloc | <new> |
bad_array_new_length | <new> |
bad_cast | <typeinfo> |
begin | <iterator> |
bernoulli_distribution | <random> |
bind | <functional> |
bitset | <bitset> |
boolalpha | <iostream> |
cerr | <iostream> |
cin | <iostream> |
cmatch | <regex> |
copy | <algorithm> |
copy_if | <algorithm> |
count | <algorithm> |
count_if | <algorithm> |
cout | <iostream> |
cref | <functional> |
csub_match | <regex> |
dec | <iostream> |
default_float_engine | <iostream> |
default_random_engine | <random> |
deque | <deque> |
domain_error | <stdexcept> |
end | <iterator> |
endl | <iostream> |
ends | <iostream> |
equal_range | <algorithm> |
exception | <exception> |
fill | <algorithm> |
fill_n | <algorithm> |
find | <algorithm> |
find_end | <algorithm> |
find_first_of | <algorithm> |
find_if | <algorithm> |
fixed | <iostream> |
flush | <iostream> |
for_each | <algorithm> |
forward | <utility> |
forward_list | <forward_list> |
free | <cstdlib> |
front_inserter | <iterator> |
fstream | <fstream> |
function | <functional> |
get | <tuple> |
getline | <string> |
greater | <functional> |
hash | <functional> |
hex | <iostream> |
hexfloat | <iostream> |
ifstream | <fstream> |
initializer_list | <initializer_list> |
inserter | <iterator> |
internal | <iostream> |
ios_base | <ios_base> |
isalnum | <cctype> |
isalpha | <cctype> |
islower | <cctype> |
isprint | <cctype> |
ispunct | <cctype> |
isspace | <cctype> |
istream | <iostream> |
istream_iterator | <iterator> |
istringstream | <sstream> |
isupper | <cctype> |
left | <iostream> |
less | <functional> |
less_equal | <functional> |
list | <list> |
logic_error | <stdexcept> |
lower_bound | <algorithm> |
lround | <cmath> |
make_move_iterator | <iterator> |
make_pair | <utility> |
make_shared | <memory> |
make_tuple | <tuple> |
malloc | <cstdlib> |
map | <map> |
max | <algorithm> |
max_element | <algorithm> |
mem_fn | <functional> |
min | <algorithm> |
min_element | <algorithm> |
move | <utility> |
multimap | <map> |
multiset | <set> |
negate | <functional> |
noboolalpha | <iostream> |
normal_distribution | <random> |
noshowbase | <iostream> |
noshowpoint | <iostream> |
noskipws | <iostream> |
not1 | <functional> |
not2 | <functional> |
nothrow | <new> |
nothrow_t | <new> |
nounitbuf | <iostream> |
nouppercase | <iostream> |
nth_element | <algorithm> |
oct | <iostream> |
ofstream | <fstream> |
ostream | <iostream> |
ostream_iterator | <iterator> |
ostringstream | <sstream> |
out_of_range | <stdexcept> |
pair | <utility> |
partial_sort | <algorithm> |
placeholders | <functional> |
placeholders::_1 | <functional> |
plus | <functional> |
priority_queue | <queue> |
ptrdiff_t | <cstddef> |
queue | <queue> |
rand | <random> |
random_device | <random> |
range_error | <stdexcept> |
ref | <functional> |
regex | <regex> |
regex_constants | <regex> |
regex_error | <regex> |
regex_match | <regex> |
regex_replace | <regex> |
regex_search | <regex> |
remove_pointer | <type_traits> |
remove_reference | <type_traits> |
replace | <algorithm> |
replace_copy | <algorithm> |
reverse_iterator | <iterator> |
right | <iostream> |
runtime_error | <stdexcept> |
scientific | <iostream> |
set | <set> |
set_difference | <algorithm> |
set_intersection | <algorithm> |
set_union | <algorithm> |
setfill | <iomanip> |
setprecision | <iomanip> |
setw | <iomanip> |
shared_ptr | <memory> |
showbase | <iostream> |
showpoint | <iostream> |
size_t | <cstddef> |
skipws | <iostream> |
smatch | <regex> |
sort | <algorithm> |
sqrt | <cmath> |
sregex_iterator | <regex> |
ssub_match | <regex> |
stable_sort | <algorithm> |
stack | <stack> |
stoi | <string> |
strcmp | <cstring> |
strcpy | <cstring> |
string | <string> |
stringstream | <sstream> |
strlen | <cstring> |
strncpy | <cstring> |
strtod | <string> |
swap | <utility> |
terminate | <exception> |
time | <ctime> |
tolower | <cctype> |
toupper | <cctype> |
transform | <algorithm> |
tuple | <tuple> |
tuple_element | <tuple> |
tuple_size | <tuple> |
type_info | <typeinfo> |
unexpected | <exception> |
uniform_int_distribution | <random> |
uniform_real_distribution | <random> |
uninitialized_copy | <memory> |
uninitialized_fill | <memory> |
unique | <algorithm> |
unique_copy | <algorithm> |
unique_ptr | <memory> |
unitbuf | <iostream> |
unordered_map | <unordered_map> |
unordered_multimap | <unordered_map> |
unordered_multiset | <unordered_set> |
unordered_set | <unordered_set> |
upper_bound | <algorithm> |
uppercase | <iostream> |
vector | <vector> |
weak_ptr | <memory> |