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bit-field layout, 854


char representation, 34


end-of-file character, 15


enum representation, 835


iostate, 313


linkage directive language, 861


nonzero return from main, 227


random IO, 763


reinterpret_cast, 164


return from exception what, 198


signed out-of-range value, 35


signed types and bitwise operators, 153


size of arithmetic types, 32


terminate function, 196


type_info members, 831


vector, memory management, 355


volatile implementation, 856


main, 2, 27


not recursive, 228


parameters, 218


return type, 2


return value, 24, 227


make_move_iterator, 543


make_pair, 428


make_plural program, 224


make_shared, 451


make_tuple, 718


malloc library function, 823, 863


manipulator, 7, 27, 753, 770


boolalpha, 754


change format state, 753


dec, 754


defaultfloat, 757


endl, 314


ends, 315


fixed, 757


flush, 315


hex, 754


hexfloat, 757


internal, 759


left, 758


noboolalpha, 754


noshowbase, 755


noshowpoint, 758


noskipws, 760


nouppercase, 755


oct, 754


right, 758


scientific, 757


setfill, 759


setprecision, 756


setw, 758


showbase, 755


showpoint, 758


skipws, 760


unitbuf, 315


uppercase, 755


map, 420, 447


see also ordered container


* (dereference), 429


[] (subscript), 435, 448


adds element, 435


at, 435


definition, 423


header, 420


insert, 431


key_type requirements, 425


list initialization, 423


lower_bound, 438


map, initialization, 424


TextQuery class, 485


upper_bound, 438


word_count program, 421


mapped_type, associative container, 428, 448




best, 251


no, 252


match_flag_type, regex_constants, 743


max, 881


max_element, 881


mem_fn, 843, 863


generates callable, 843


member, see class data member


member access operators, 150


member function, 23, 27, 306


as friend, 281


base member hidden by derived, 619


class template


defined outside class body, 661


instantiation, 663


const, 258, 305


() (call operator), 573


reference return, 276


declared but not defined, 509


defined outside class, 259


definition, 256260


:: (scope operator), 259


name lookup, 285


parameter list, 282


return type, 283


explicitly inline, 273


function matching, 273


implicit this parameter, 257


implicitly inline, 257


inline and header, 273


move-enabled, 545


name lookup, 287


overloaded, 273


on const, 276


on lvalue or rvalue reference, 547


overloaded operator, 500, 552


reference qualified, 546, 550


returning *this, 260, 275


rvalue reference parameters, 544


scope, 282


template, see member template


member template, 672, 714


Blob, iterator constructor, 673


DebugDelete, 673


declaration, 673


defined outside class body, 674


instantiation, 674


template parameters, 673, 674




copy assignment, 500


copy constructor, 497


copy control, 267, 550


destruction is implicit, 503


move assignment, 538


move constructor, 538




see also dynamically allocated


exhaustion, 460


leak, 462


memory header, 450, 451, 481, 483


merge, 874


list and forward_list, 415


Message, 519524


add_to_Folder, 522


class definition, 521


copy assignment, 523


copy constructor, 522


design, 520


destructor, 522


move assignment, 542


move constructor, 542


move_Folders, 542


remove_from_Folders, 523


method, see member function


Microsoft compiler, 5


min, 881


min_element, 881


minmax, 881


minus<T>, 575


mismatch, 872


mode, file, 324


modulus<T>, 575


move, 530, 533, 874


argument-dependent lookup, 798


binds rvalue reference to lvalue, 533


explained, 690692


inherently dangerous, 544


Message, move operations, 541


moved from object has unspecified value, 533


reference collapsing rule, 691


StrVec reallocate, 530


remove_reference, 691


move assignment, 536, 550


copy and swap, 540


derived class, 626


HasPtr, valuelike, 540


memberwise, 538


Message, 542


moved-from object destructible, 537


noexcept, 535


rule of three/five, virtual destructor exception, 622


self-assignment, 537


StrVec, 536




deleted function, 538, 624


derived class, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


sometimes omitted, 538


move constructor, 529, 534, 534536, 550


and copy initialization, 541


derived class, 626


HasPtr, valuelike, 540


memberwise, 538


Message, 542


moved-from object destructible, 534, 537


noexcept, 535


rule of three/five, virtual destructor exception, 622


string, 529


StrVec, 535




deleted function, 624


derived class, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


sometimes omitted, 538


move iterator, 401, 418, 543, 550


make_move_iterator, 543


StrVec, reallocate, 543


uninitialized_copy, 543


move operations, 531548


function matching, 539


move, 533


noexcept, 535


rvalue references, 532


valid but unspecified, 537


move_backward, 875


move_Folders, Message, 542


multidimensional array, 125130


[] (subscript), 127


argument and parameter, 218


begin, 129


conversion to pointer, 128


definition, 126


end, 129


initialization, 126


pointer, 128


range for statement and, 128


multimap, 448


see also ordered container


* (dereference), 429


definition, 423


has no subscript operator, 435


insert, 431, 433


key_type requirements, 425


list initialization, 423


lower_bound, 438


map, initialization, 424


upper_bound, 438


multiple inheritance, 802, 817


see also virtual base class


= (assignment), 805


ambiguous conversion, 806


ambiguous names, 808


avoiding ambiguities, 809


class derivation list, 803


conversion, 805


copy control, 805


name lookup, 807


object composition, 803


order of initialization, 804


scope, 807


virtual function, 807


multiplies<T>, 575


multiset, 448


see also ordered container


insert, 433


iterator, 429


key_type requirements, 425


list initialization, 423


lower_bound, 438


override comparison


Basket class, 631


using compareIsbn, 426


upper_bound, 438


used in Basket, 632




data member, 274


lambda expression, 395

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