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.C file, 4


.cc file, 4


.cpp file, 4


.cp file, 4


C library header, 91


C-style cast, 164


C-style string, 114, 122, 122123, 131


buffer overflow, 123


initialization, 122


parameter, 216


string, 124


c_str, 124


call by reference, 208, 210, 251


call by value, 209, 251


uses copy constructor, 498


uses move constructor, 539


call signature, 576, 590


callable object, 388, 417, 571572


absInt, 571


bind, 397


call signature, 576


function and function pointers, 388


function objects, 572


pointer to member


and bind, 843


and function, 842


and mem_fn, 843


not callable, 842


PrintString, 571


ShorterString, 573


SizeComp, 573


with function, 576579


with algorithms, 390


candidate function, 243, 251


see also function matching


function template, 695


namespace, 800


overloaded operator, 587




string, 356


StrVec, 526


vector, 356


capture list, see lambda expression


case label, 179, 179182, 199


default, 181


constant expression, 179


case sensitive, string, 365


cassert header, 241


cast, see also named cast, 168


checked, see dynamic_cast


old-style, 164


to rvalue reference, 691


catch, 193, 195, 199, 775, 816


catch(...), 777, 816


exception declaration, 195, 200, 775, 816


exception object, 775


matching, 776


ordering of, 776


runtime_error, 195


catch all (catch(...)), 777, 816




ambiguous conversion operator, 581


conversions to unsigned, 37


dynamic memory pitfalls, 462


exception safety, 196


IO buffers, 315


overflow, 140


overloaded operator misuse, 555


overloaded operators and conversion operators, 586


smart pointer, pitfalls, 469


uninitialized variables, 45


using directives cause pollution, 795




auto, 109, 379


decltype, 109, 379


container, 109, 333, 334, 372




functions, 9193


header, 91




auto, 109, 379


decltype, 109, 379


container, 109, 333, 334, 372


cerr, 6, 26


chained input, 8


chained output, 7


char, 32


signed, 34


unsigned, 34


array initialization, 114


literal, 39


representation, 34


char16_t, 33


char32_t, 33




newline (\n), 39


nonprintable, 39, 79


null (\0), 39


tab (\t), 39


character string literal, see string literal




StrBlob, 457


StrBlobPtr, 474


check_size, 398


bind, 398


checked cast, see dynamic_cast


children’s story program, 383391


chk_n_alloc, StrVec, 526


cin, 6, 26


tied to cout, 315


cl, 5


class, 19, 26, 72, 305


see also constructor


see also destructor


see also member function


see also static member


access specifier, 268


default, 268


private, 268, 306


public, 268, 306


aggregate, 298, 305


assignment operator


see copy assignment


see move assignment


base, see base class, 649


data member, 73, 78


const vs. mutable, 274


const, initialization, 289


in-class initializer, 274


initialization, 263, 274


must be complete type, 279


mutable, 274, 306


order of destruction, 502


order of initialization, 289


pointer, not deleted, 503


reference, initialization, 289


sizeof, 157


declaration, 278, 305


default inheritance specifier, 616


definition, 72, 256267


ends with semicolon, 73


derived, see derived class, 649


exception, 193, 200


final specifier, 600


forward declaration, 279, 306


friend, 269, 280


class, 280


function, 269


member function, 280


overloaded function, 281


scope, 270, 281


template class or function, 664


implementation, 254


interface, 254


literal, 299


local, see local class


member, 73, 78


member access, 282


member new and delete, 822


member:constant expression, see bit-field


multiple base classes, see multiple inheritance


name lookup, 284


nested, see nested class


pointer to member, see pointer to member


preventing copies, 507


scope, 73, 282, 282287, 305


synthesized, copy control, 267, 497, 500, 503, 537


template member, see member template


type member, 271


:: (scope operator), 282


user of, 255


valuelike, 512


without move constructor, 540




compared to typename, 654


default access specifier, 268


default inheritance specifier, 616


template parameter, 654


class derivation list, 596


access control, 612


default access specifier, 616


direct base class, 600


indirect base class, 600


multiple inheritance, 803


virtual base class, 812


class template, 96, 131, 658, 659, 658667, 713


see also template parameter


see also instantiation


Blob, 659


declaration, 669


default template argument, 671


definition, 659


error detection, 657


explicit instantiation, 675, 675676


explicit template argument, 660


friend, 664


all instantiations, 665


declaration dependencies, 665


same instantiation, 664


specific instantiation, 665


instantiation, 660


member function


defined outside class body, 661


instantiation, 663


member template, see member template


specialization, 707, 709712, 714


hash<key_type>, 709, 788


member, 711


namespace, 788


partial, 711, 714


static member, 667


accessed through an instantiation, 667


definition, 667


template argument, 660


template parameter, used in definition, 660


type parameter as friend, 666


type-dependent code, 658


class type, 19, 26


conversion, 162, 305, 590


ambiguities, 587


conversion operator, 579


converting constructor, 294


impact on function matching, 584


overloaded function, 586


with standard conversion, 581


default initialization, 44


initialization, 73, 84, 262


union member of, 848


variable vs. function declaration, 294




sequential container, 350


stream, 313


clog, 6, 26


close, file stream, 318


cmatch, 733


cmath header, 751, 757


collapsing rule, reference, 688


combine, Sales_data, 259


comma (,) operator, 157


comment, 9, 26


block (/* */), 9, 26


single-line (//), 9, 26




default template argument, 670


function template, 652


default template argument, 670


explicit template argument, 683


specialization, 706


string literal version, 654


template argument deduction, 680


string, 366




and associative container, 426


Sales_data, 387




common errors, 16


compiler options, 207


conditional, 240


declaration vs. definition, 44


mixing C and C++, 860


needed when class changes, 270


templates, 656


error detection, 657


explicit instantiation, 675676




extension, 114, 131


GNU, 5


Microsoft, 5


options for separate compilation, 207


composition vs. inheritance, 637


compound assignment (e.g., +=)


arithmetic operators, 147


bitwise operators, 147


compound expression, see expression


compound statement, 173, 199


compound type, 50, 5058, 78


array, 113


declaration style, 57


understanding complicated declarations, 115




string, 89


string literal, 39


condition, 12, 26


= (assignment) in, 146


conversion, 159


do while statement, 189


for statement, 13, 185


if statement, 18, 175


in IO expression, 156


logical operators, 141


smart pointer as, 451


stream type as, 15, 162, 312


while statement, 12, 183


condition state, IO classes, 312, 324


conditional compilation, 240


conditional operator (?:), 151


connection, 468


console window, 6


const, 59, 78


and typedef, 68


conversion, 162


template argument deduction, 679


dynamically allocated


destruction, 461


initialization, 460


initialization, 59


class type object, 262


low-level const, 64


argument and parameter, 213


conversion from, 163


conversion to, 162


overloaded function, 232


template argument deduction, 693


member function, 258, 305


() (call operator), 573


not constructors, 262


overloaded function, 276


reference return, 276


parameter, 212


function matching, 246


overloaded function, 232


pointer, 63, 78


pointer to, 62, 79


conversion from nonconst, 162


initialization from nonconst, 62


overloaded parameter, 232


reference, see reference to const


top-level const, 64


and auto, 69


argument and parameter, 212


decltype, 71


parameter, 232


template argument deduction, 679


variable, 59


declared in header files, 76


extern, 60


local to file, 60


const_cast, 163, 163


const_iterator, container, 108, 332


const_reference, container, 333


const_reverse_iterator, container, 332, 407


constant expression, 65, 78


array dimension, 113


bit-field, 854


case label, 179


enumerator, 833


integral, 65


nontype template parameter, 655


sizeof, 156


static data member, 303


constexpr, 66, 78


constructor, 299


declared in header files, 76


function, 239, 251


nonconstant return value, 239


function template, 655


pointer, 67


variable, 66




allocator, 482


forwards to constructor, 527


constructor, 262, 264, 262266, 305


see also default constructor


see also copy constructor


see also move constructor


calls to virtual function, 627


constexpr, 299


converting, 294, 305


function matching, 585


Sales_data, 295


with standard conversion, 580


default argument, 290


delegating, 291, 306


derived class, 598


initializes direct base class, 610


initializes virtual base, 813


explicit, 296, 306


function try block, 778, 817


inherited, 628


initializer list, 265, 288292, 305


class member initialization, 274


compared to assignment, 288


derived class, 598


function try block, 778, 817


sometimes required, 288


virtual base class, 814


initializer_list parameter, 662


not const, 262


order of initialization, 289


derived class object, 598, 623


multiple inheritance, 804


virtual base classes, 814


overloaded, 262


StrBlob, 456


StrBlobPtr, 474


TextQuery, 488


Blob, 662


initializer_list, 662


iterator parmeters, 673


Bulk_quote, 598, 610


Disc_quote, 609


Sales_data, 264266


container, 96, 131, 326, 372


see also sequential container


see also associative container


adaptor, 368, 368371


equality and relational operators, 370


initialization, 369


requirements on container, 369


and inheritance, 630


as element type, 97, 329


associative, 420, 447


copy initialization, 334


element type constraints, 329, 341


elements and destructor, 502


elements are copies, 342


initialization from iterator range, 335


list initialization, 336




see also iterator


= (assignment), 337


== (equality), 341


!= (inequality), 341


begin, 106, 333, 372


cbegin, 109, 333, 334, 372


cend, 109, 333, 334, 372


const_iterator, 108, 332


const_reference, 333


const_reverse_iterator, 332, 407


crbegin, 333


crend, 333


difference_type, 131, 332


empty, 87, 102, 131, 340


end, 106, 131, 333, 373


equality and relational operators, 88, 102, 340


iterator, 108, 332


rbegin, 333, 407


reference, 333


relational operators, 341


rend, 333, 407


reverse_iterator, 332, 407


size, 88, 102, 132, 340


size_type, 88, 102, 132, 332


swap, 339


move operations, 529


moved-from object is valid but unspecified, 537


nonmember swap, 339


of container, 97, 329


overview, 328


sequential, 326, 373


type members, :: (scope operator), 333


continue statement, 191, 199


control, flow of, 11, 172, 200


conversion, 78, 159, 168


= (assignment), 145, 159


ambiguous, 583589


argument, 203


arithmetic, 35, 159, 168


array to pointer, 117


argument, 214


exception object, 774


multidimensional array, 128


template argument deduction, 679


base-to-derived, not automatic, 602


bool, 35


class type, 162, 294, 305, 590


ambiguities, 587


conversion operator, 579


function matching, 584, 586


with standard conversion, 581


condition, 159


derived-to-base, 597, 649


accessibility, 613


key concepts, 604


shared_ptr, 630


floating-point, 35


function to pointer, 248


exception object, 774


template argument deduction, 679


integral promotion, 160, 169


istream, 162


multiple inheritance, 805


ambiguous, 806


narrowing, 43


operand, 159


pointer to bool, 162


rank, 245


return value, 223


Sales_data, 295


signed type, 160


signed to unsigned, 34


to const, 162


from pointer to nonconst, 62


from reference to nonconst, 61


template argument deduction, 679


unscoped enumeration to integer, 834


unsigned, 36


virtual base class, 812


conversion operator, 580, 580587, 590


design, 581


explicit, 582, 590


bool, 583


function matching, 585, 586


SmallInt, 580


used implicitly, 580


with standard conversion, 580


converting constructor, 294, 305


function matching, 585


with standard conversion, 580


_copy algorithms, 383, 414


copy, 382, 874


copy and swap assignment, 518


move assignment, 540


self-assignment, 519


copy assignment, 500501, 549


= default, 506


= delete, 507


base from derived, 603


copy and swap, 518, 549


derived class, 626




reference counted, 516


valuelike, 512


memberwise, 500


Message, 523


preventing copies, 507


private, 509


reference count, 514


rule of three/five, 505


virtual destructor exception, 622


self-assignment, 512


StrVec, 528


synthesized, 500, 550


deleted function, 508, 624


derived class, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


union with class type member, 852


valuelike class, 512


copy constructor, 496, 496499, 549


= default, 506


= delete, 507


base from derived, 603


derived class, 626




reference counted, 515


valuelike, 512


memberwise, 497


Message, 522


parameter, 496


preventing copies, 507


private, 509


reference count, 514


rule of three/five, 505


virtual destructor exception, 622


StrVec, 528


synthesized, 497, 550


deleted function, 508, 624


derived class, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


union with class type member, 851


used for copy-initialization, 498


copy control, 267, 496, 549


= delete, 507508


inheritance, 623629


memberwise, 267, 550


copy assignment, 500


copy constructor, 497


move assignment, 538


move constructor, 538


multiple inheritance, 805


synthesized, 267


as deleted function, 508


as deleted in derived class, 624


move operations as deleted function, 538


unions, 849


virtual base class, synthesized, 815


copy initialization, 84, 131, 497, 497499, 549


array, 337


container, 334


container elements, 342


explicit constructor, 498


invalid for arrays, 114


move vs. copy, 539


parameter and return value, 498


uses copy constructor, 497


uses move constructor, 541


copy_backward, 875


copy_if, 874


copy_n, 874


copyUnion, Token, 851


count, reference, 550




algorithm, 378, 871


associative container, 437, 438


bitset, 727


count_calls, program, 206


count_if, 871


cout, 6, 26


tied to cin, 315


cplusplus_primer, namespace, 787


crbegin, container, 333


cref, binds reference parameter, 400, 417


cregex_iterator, 733, 769


crend, container, 333


cstddef header, 116, 120


cstdlib header, 54, 227, 778, 823




functions, 122123


header, 122


csub_match, 733, 769


ctime header, 749


curly brace, 2, 26

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